When someone is truly included, no one will question their presence, only their absence.
Renee LaPorte
In-Home Supportive Services
What is it and who qualifies?
The In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program provides in-home assistance to eligible aged, blind and disabled individuals as an alternative to out-of-home care and enables recipients to remain safely in their own homes.
In order to apply for IHSS, a disabled person, or their parent/guardian must first obtain Medi-Cal coverage for the recipient. This may be obtained by qualifying due to income or receiving an Institutional Deeming Waiver.

Resources for IHSS and Medi-Cal

IHSS Advocates Manual (Formerly "IHSS Nuts and Bolts")
IHSS Termination or Reduction in Hours
IHSS Self-Assessment and Fair Hearing Guide
Medi-Cal Programs to Help You Stay in Your Own Home
Home & Community-Based Alternatives Waiver
How are IHSS Hours Calculated?
IHSS Provider Wait and Travel Times
IHSS Program and Paramedical Services
Right to Request a Home Hearing
IHSS and Waiver Personal Care Services