When someone is truly included, no one will question their presence, only their absence.
Renee LaPorte

Special Education Advocate
IEPs and Section 504 Plans
From Preschool to Adult Transition Program
Students who meet the eligibility criteria under IDEA may receive special education services through their local school district from the age of three through twenty-two.
The role of an educational advocate is to facilitate a collaborative relationship between parents, teachers, district administrators and service providers. The mission of our MAG advocates is to ensure that each student has been properly assessed, has a well-written IEP including goals, accommodations and services and to secure their right to a Free Appropriate Public Education.
Resources for Special Education and Disability Rights
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004
Notice of Procedural Safeguards
Parents' Rights CA Department of Education

Rehabilitation Act/Section 504
American's with Disabilities Act
ADA and Effective Communication
Office of Administrative Hearings
Department of Justice- ADA Compliance
The Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act
California Special Education Local Plan Areas Directory
Special Education Rights and Responsibilities
California Department of Education
Common Core Resources for Special Education